Behavioral Problems Among Adults? Its Possible

Behavior problem is not an issue of age. Children are not the only ones who experience problems in their behavior, teens and adults can also have these problems. Although the symptoms or signs of behavioral problem are the same, treatment is different for each age range.

Adult behavioral problems are usually about how they relate with their environment and social interaction. Most of the causes of adult behavior issues are medical and psychiatric disorders and traumatic experiences.

• Adult ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD does not only distresses children, in fact about 1 to 5% of adults have ADHD. It could anxiety, low self-esteem, being impulsive, procrastinate, forgetfulness, lack of organization, difficulty concentrating, relationship and commitment problems, and anger management. They would often have poor academic performance, employment evaluation and are more likely to have social problems like drug abuse and violations of laws.

There are mild to severe cases of adult ADHD. Not all adults with ADHD are unable to concentrate in their tasks or responsibilities. Some could concentrate given that they are truly interested in what they are doing. Adults with ADHD can be antisocial or the opposite, which is they always need to be with somebody. There are different tests that could determine if a person has ADHD and what would be necessary to deal with it.

• Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. In the middle and advanced stages of the disease, the person with Alzheimer’s would have difficulty in keeping their normal behavior. They may wander, be aggressive, hallucinate, become paranoid and would often have sleeping and eating difficulties.

It is important to maintain patience and providing sympathetic care to the patients. Being kind and gentle could help in lessening the severity of the disease. When caring for patients with Alzheimer’s, it is important to have a plan even before something happens.

• Anti-social personality disorder

A person who has this disorder is often seen violating laws which can lead to arrests, repeated lying, aggressiveness, irresponsibility, being indifferent and may exhibit addiction to alcohol or drugs.

• Bipolar disorder

The behavior of those with bipolar disorder would often have mood changes: from a period of being happy to period of irritability. They may lose interest in different activities, become restless and but there are times that they will behave impulsively. The thought of dead or suicide may often cross their mind.

• Brain injury

A serious and traumatic brain injury could cause personality changes, memory lapses or problems, difficulty in focusing, and easy to distract. To help them through their impairment, develop a routine that they can stick to, help them relearn skills they have lost through repetition.

Some survivors of traumatic brain injury are also said to lack emotional response or their response may not be appropriate or timely. Families, friends and caregivers should be calm and patient during this time. Encourage the survivors to start recognizing emotions and reinforce their developments. Aggressive behaviors are best ignored.

• Drug and alcohol use

Addiction to drugs and alcohol could cause serious problems to a personal and social development of a person. It could mean poor performance in work and school, suspicious behavior, sudden change in personality or sudden mood swings. They may also show sudden need for money without explaining where they will be using it.

If your family, friend or spouse is suffering from behavior problems, whether it is brought about by behavioral, psychiatric, or medical events, it would be best to get professional assessment and evaluation. This would ensure that they would be getting necessary professional attention and help. Support from friends and families are important when correcting behavior problems.


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