Behavior Problems Among Pets

People are the only ones who experience behavioral problems. Pets, when exposed to pressure, experienced trauma or health related problems, could also display behavioral problems. It is more difficult to discover the causes of behavior issues among pets. It could even result into aggression, disobedience, and destruction of furniture and property.

• Dogs

Our canine best friends also experience behavior issues. Common problems would be barking, chewing, digging, chasing, jumping up and biting. Dogs naturally do these acts. However, excessive acts could cause issues with the owners and for other people.

Dogs bark whenever they warn their owner, excited, seeking attention, communicate or respond to other animals and out of anxiety and boredom. Anxiety and fear could also cause dogs to chew things, urinate and defecate inappropriately. Anxiety could come from separation from the owner.

There are some who would say that the attitude of a dog is also dependent on its genes or its breed, since there are indeed some breeds which are more aggressive. Owners should also check with veterinarians since the behavioral problems can be caused by an illness. Experience also plays a major role. Abandoned and abused canines would tend to show abnormal behavior like aggression or fear. They could also develop phobias just like humans because of their past experience.

In general, the best treatment for dogs who have behavioral problems is training. When training your dog, make sure that you would be consistent and providing positive reinforcement for their good behavior. It is important for family members to follow the same training techniques once a dog is undergoing corrective training.

• Cats

The difference between cats and dogs is that cats cannot be trained or disciplined just like dogs since they respond differently. But they do have exhibit problems in their behavior like spraying. Spraying is different from urinating, the first thing to do is check with your vet to rule out medical issues. If the cause is behavioral, cats usually spray to mark their territories. A simple tip is by sprinkling lemon or any citrus fruit juice in the area. They hate the smell of citrus fruits.

Other problems would include scratching, failure to use the litterbox, frequent curtain climbing, chewing, biting, scattering the garbage, and ruining the garden. Again for defecating, it is still best to rule out medical problems before proceeding to corrective training.

Correcting problematic behavior should never involve hurting them since it would just cause them to be afraid of you. you could use waterbottles, clapping, snapping, or making abrupt noises since they hate being surprised. You could push the face away without hurting them to discourage the bad behavior they are exhibiting.

• Birds

Birds would show problems when they basic needs are not met like food and water. Sleep, proper and spacious shelter, and social interaction is also important to them. When these are not met they would bite, scream, pick on their feathers and develop phobias.

The easiest thing to do is meet the requirements for their healthy life like a cage suitable for their size and where they could spread their wings and move without damaging any of their feathers. Pet birds also need attention and interaction. Socialize with them or place them in areas where the family would be able to socialize with the birds. Make sure that they are getting the right sleep. You could cover the cage or darken the room to help them get a good sleep.

Pets would develop behavioral problems if we are not able to take care of them properly or their past owners where able to meet their needs. Consistency and avoiding situations where pets may exhibit inappropriate behavior should be avoided. Physical punishment does not work, encourage them and reinforce their positive behavior or development.


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