Jesus and the Gnostic Cathars

These are some of the highlights of a connected story of Milesian/Phocaean/ Phoenician architects who allow 'his'-story to confuse the masses. It is still going on and we must try to change it. There was a better time if one is concerned for freedom and ethics, and there is no Malthusian 'one pie' to worry about. Creative potential can develop new pies!


ALPHABET COMPARISONS: A key to the greatest heresy of the ages.



-the Dead Sea Scrolls say there are two spirits - 'truth and error' -the Britannica 'Ogham' cover-up is disgusting and as wrong as the Scale of Nature -the bounty on the heads of Druids


-prostitution for the temple was required of women but why not men -"Together our voices accumulate the power to topple the systems that condone violence, incest and rape." - The Courage to Heal by Bass & Davis -"If your parents refused to tell you about sex because of their religious beliefs...that is religious sexual abuse." - Fr. Leo Booth -The cover-up or poor scholarship of Byblos, on the Persian Gulf which was a Phoenician base to help the Sumerians become civilized, and where the Egyptians bought ocean-going ships in 2900 BC according to the World Book -Psychoanalysis by 'experts' on the 'Confessions' of St. Augustine which brought us the 'Original Sin' or 'women are the harbingers' of his own evil -Priestly interpreters of the soul within that connects us all are into making sheep for their flock rather than empowering humanity. -The Qaballa or Verbal Tradition which formed part of Jesus' learning. -'Love and Living' by Thomas Merton displays the truth of Mayan beauty.


-Mariae is the sister of Moses who 'discussed the problem of the whitening of the stone in a few days.' (Stone = The alchemical Great Work) - Rabbi Silver gives insight to the lengths those in need of sheep will go to defend their position and keep their 'flock' ignorant. -". .Thoth-Hermes and Imhotep-Asklepios? these two cults and elements in the two Moses stories" have 'numerous similarities'- Rabbis agree -The Old Testament of Augustine who merely interpreted Genesis (falsely) was written by a woman ('The Book of 'J"). -There was no such word as Essene. A debate on derivations provides some interesting connections from Bible and Dead Sea scholars. -"For the Essenes we have only what was said about them by outsiders writing in a different language and for people who knew nothing at all about them." -'The Dead Sea Scrolls' by Millar Burrows -Jesus and his father were wise 'arch-tectons' in the Septuagint which is the Greek Bible once thought to be the first Bible, not poor carpenters. -Hyam Maccoby, 'a leading Talmudic scholar' says "Paul alone created a new religion through his vision of Jesus as a divine Savior who died to save humanity."? taken "from Gnosticism and the mystery cults." -"Jesus' threat to the Temple was not subversive... of Jewish religion, but it was a real threat to the quisling regime of the High Priest. (Appointed by Rome)? rather it was the Jews who were framed by the Gospels."


-"The sacred books of 'the subject peoples had a special place in this systematic project of collection and translation, because religion was, for those who wished to rule them, a kind of gateway to their souls." (2) -"? the bearded white gods South America's shadowy legends say brought knowledge and culture to Andean tribes." (3) -Ogham as a sign language and Huna as a spiritual enhancement language like chanting. -Homer's 'DNN' are the original settlers of Greece and the De Danaan are the 'Ogygia' or 'ancient ones' of Keltic colonizing culture. -"Some scholars now feel that the early Hebrew Bible shows an enormous amount of influence from Canaanite and Phoenician sources...Through the Bible the entire civilized world has fallen heir to Phoenician literary art." (6) -"The group that emerged by the time Dido arrived was culturally diverse, ruggedly independent and, as Herodotus has emphasized, often given to animistic religious practices, which means simply that they may have venerated natural phenomena?" -'Carthage' by top scholars, on the Berbers. -Velikovsky supported by Einstein comments on the top Egyptologist Sir Flinders-Petrie - "This script was known in Egypt for a thousand years for a thousand years; it was never used to write down an Egyptian text?" -Barry Fell from 'America BC.'-"The rise and fall of Celtic sea power has been strangely neglected by most historians and archaeologists as to prompt much skepticism when first I began to report Celtic inscription in America. 'I can't say I've ever heard that the Celts were seafarers,' was a typical comment." - watch the movie 'Spartacus' and see him talk to Keltic sea captains [Seleucids] who controlled the Mediterranean.-Mystery Hill, N.H. -"Simon Magus himself was of the race of the Gaedhils of Erinn." A Celtic Reader' -"Iberian or Megalithic people of Britain introduced the immigrant Celts to the Druidic religion." -in 2600 BC, the Beaker People came to Britain and they are Kelts from Old Danube or Hallstatt. -CHART - Phoenician Brotherhood - Enterprises and Colonies.


-"Colombia's outstanding archaeological remains occur along the Atlantic coasts of Santa Maria. Here were found abundant evidences of a sprawling public works' system, cities and ceremonial centers, paved roads, efficient irrigation and sophisticated agricultural practices? resembles? Hal Saflieni, in Malta?" Ancient American, Vol. 5. -Aristotle's 'Strange Things Heard' says the Carthaginians didn't allow people to go to America anymore in order to keep their population?

-Necho II of Egypt engages Phoenicians to travel for two years for him. We later show books that identify this time and the place they went in South America. -Cyprus and the importance of mining led to an original Mt. Olympus. -Recent report of l.5MM old 'well made wooden throwing spears' should make archaeologists swallow hard as they try to maintain our ignorant cave man heritage with spears from just 20,000 years ago(Asimov). From an unrelated article in Scientific American by linguists. -Mayan knives from pre-Columbian times were better than iron and made from meteorites - Mircae Eliade's 'The Forge and the Crucible'. -Solid state chemistry and Don Robins the top dog in a science being used that relate to the lattices that encode information in stone.


-"Geophysiologists warn that if the planet does function like a body, the Earth may have the equivalent of vital organs and vulnerable points." (l) British atmospheric scientist James Lovelock and microbiologist Lynn Margulis are able to see what 'representational deities' were all about. -ILLUSTRATION: THE TREE OF YGGDRASIL - Cosmic Fire (Bel) and Cosmic Ice are in the Aristotelian concept borrowed from Shamans and they are in the sephirah of the Hassidic 'Tree of Life', which Jesus studied. -Heraclitus "conceded the existence of an over-riding, all-encompassing unity, in which the apparently contradictory opposites are all linked to one another, in a single, regular, cohesive system of balanced, harmonious measure and just order."- the 'Logos', the 'I Ching' and Miletus. -Men and women both can live in harmony with this order according to Heraclitus who Michael Grant (top classical scholar) says: "This inertia, resulting in a total non-recognition of the truth (shared by anti-feminists? had learned about many things which had failed, however to bring them real understanding." -Tacitus - "So obscure are the greatest events; as some take for granted any hearsay, whatever its source, others turn truth into falsehood, and both errors find encouragement with posterity." -Rennes le Chateau = Jesus in PLAID swaddling clothes, "Tau - (Hebrew) St. Anthony's cross; a T-shaped cross patterned after the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet meaning the end of the world..." -"Essentially the Sea Peoples theory was a convenient and plausible invention of the 19th century, designed (largely by historian Gasten Maspero) to fit very limited facts." (14) -Lies about Pyramids as tombs for 'freaky' Pharaohs are debunked. The almost intact Keltic ship on the Giza plateau has a 40 Ton displacement and is not a funerary barge, with sails to go a few hundred yards. -Druidic 'Cabiri' and the Cauldron of Ceridwen = Cosmic Egg and shamans -ILLUSTRATION: THE 'TRAVELERS' - 6,000,000 years of man and how the ethnic and cultural growth seems likely to have occurred with a conservative archaeologic perspective included.


-Quintus Fabius Pictor led Livy to try to make sense of a myth that has truthful roots in the 'Aeneid' of Virgil and the 'Iliad' of Homer. Both are shown support in true history and from the Phocaean/Milesian roots of Ireland. A consistent picture emerges with real historical and aristocratic families who became forced to accept EMPIRE when Brutus failed to maintain the Republic. -1800 BC. brought the (carbon-dated) Nuraghe of Barumini, Sardinia as Jacquetta Hawkes talks about the "'tombe di giganti' in which the inhabitants of the nuraghi buried their dead." and "It is difficult to avoid the terms of medieval castle architecture in describing the nuraghi." There are over 6500 on Sardinia. -"Picti is invariably translated = 'Redshanks'," epithets become history. -Crete had the royal house of Mallia and was the origin or related to the Milesians when we know the code of Ogham and its use of vowels and doubling or reversing of letters.


-Mircae Eliade says: "There appears to be an unbroken continuity of folklore traditions, Taoism and alchemy: The Taoist alchemist is the successor of the hunter of medicinal remedies, who, from time immemorial, went off into the mountains with a calabash to collect magic seeds and plants." Yet character assassins employed by the hegemony say alchemists are hermits who sought only gold for avaricious needs. -The Hubbell photos of the center of the universe bring us proof of energy coming through from other universes and much more that mystics have known. -The cover-up of Da Vinci's alchemy and how he saw the 'bicycle' is exposed in-depth though scholars avoid it. -These concepts are not in conflict and do not need to create stress or threaten anyone in search of truth. The 'Zen' of the moment is not designed to promote ignorance and lack of concern for our collective history or our soulful potential. -"The 'Bardo Thodol' ('Liberation by Hearing, on the After-Death Plane') is among the sacred books of the world, unique. As an epitomized exposition of the cardinal doctrines of the 'Mahäyäna' School of Buddhism, it is of very great importance, religiously, philosophically, and historically. As a treatise based essentially upon the Occult Sciences of the 'Yoga'?" (15) -We know the War department contractors are working on Pyramid technologies and yet it isn't being exposed to the general public. -Ossianic legends of pre-Egyptian culture who founded Egypt are explored. -Dark Matter is not the regulating force causing the increasing outward velocity of the universe. Tesla's non-force 'info-packets' and Bearden's energy from vacuums are related to the 'one-dimensional harmonic force'. -The 'Triads of Bardism' 'enlighten the darkness'. -Pythagoras knew the truth of the Sphinx but has been portrayed a 'fool'.


-'Cleopatra' - "This book is about them, but it is also about politics - sexual, racial and constitutional - and about morality, neurosis and desire. Above all it is about propaganda and the persuasive power?" (1) -Jack Kerouac's 'Some of the Dharmas' brings us 'The Cause of Sorrow'. -"Meanwhile, in early 1985, researchers at the University of Colorado announced that they had discovered a lost city in Northern Peru. The name? Gran Pajaten! How many times can you discover a city, especially one discussed in tourist guides?" -Savoy -"The magnitude of the Gran Vilaya ruins, consisting of over 80 interconnected city-type layouts composed of some 23,950 structures to date,." (1985 in South America) Is this where the Ostrogoths went after Italy as the 'Chronicle of Akakor' says was the case in 570 AD.? -Hitler was an indolent scatophagist and pawn who would have gladly kept England and America strong, if they had only given to him what they gave to the criminal genius Stalin. In fact he would have wanted less than Poland and the other 50,000,000 Eastern Europeans who feared the same treatment the 32,000,000 Ukrainians were already getting from Stalin. -The 'Grail' legends as a useful managers tool and coded study of the Merovingian dynasty of Benjaminites who are not Israeli and wish to revenge themself on those Tribes they tried to help.


-Those who call him Messiah are righter than they know. -Mishnaic Law of the Judean teachers would not have allowed Jesus to be a teacher (rabbi) without having a wife. -"the archetypal Roman shouldered the White Man's Burden, the arduous but fabulously profitable task of governing those whom, despite all evidence to the contrary, the Romans judged incapable of governing themselves." (Lucy Hughes-Hallett from 'Cleopatra') -Jesus and His Curricula Vitae: -Joseph of Arimathaea - Another Phoenician! -"The excavations of Thomas W. Jacobsen at the Franchithi Cave on the Bay of Argos... by 13,000 - 11,000 B.C. and that the cultivation of hybrid grains, the domestication of animals, and organized community tuna hunts had already begun." (Britannica) Yet there are those who say we couldn't travel the ocean when obsidian had to be brought from a distance, at this time. They like to intimate we couldn't travel the oceans for a reason when they say (NY Public Library's Chronicles) the earliest recorded sea travel was in 2600 BC to Lebanon. -What entitles unproductive half-witted inbred psychopomps and sadists to lounge around making deals to improve their power over people? The Divine Right of KINGS?!?!


-Blood was a vital psychic or spiritual and ritualistic ingredient that communion is based upon according to Gardner and those who still do the Star Fire Ceremony with Crowley's 'blood of the moon' or female hormone -'To drink like a Templar' became a common? Sir Walter Scott portrays them as bullies... not established to protect pilgrims." -Genghis Khan was a gifted 'smith' and listener who learned a lot that his progeny built upon; and did unto others before they did unto him. -Marco Polo was a 'slaver' who worked with Catholic cowards whose need for concubines and slaves was enough to allow the Mongols to conquer a recently Christianized Russia. Greek Fire was available to them. -"According to the Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, there were thirty-nine men and women on the High Council of the Brotherhood, who sat at the Temple of Karnak in Luxor. (2) A branch of this Order became more generally known as the Egyptian Therapeutae, who in Heliopolis and Judaea, were identified as the Essenes. (3)?Jesus was later initiated..." -Illustration; The Pyramid Propaganda:


-Bernard Mandeville brings us the Fable of the Bees which Childeric, Napoleon and the Sarmoung Brotherhood of the esoteric secret groups including the Merovingians (and the Melchizedek Mormons) use as a main symbol. He says 'Virtue is just a pretence which man has invented for his own advantage.' -Fukayama deals with Plato and Hegel, though appropriately notes the real master philosophy of politics - 'Machiavelli was the founder of modern political philosophy, who believed that man could become the master of his own earthly house if he took his cues not from the way men ought to live, but the way they actually live.' - Fukayama the social engineer, would have us believe there is little chance of another 'Holocaust' (in 1992 he wrote this, before the Rwanda genocide) or 'communist resurgence' and placates the American public with a plethora of half-truths. The Durants document the true nature of continuing cycles and 'Dark Ages' brought about by class and economic or power re-adjustments. - The Pope's 1995 encyclical spoke of a worldwide culture of death.

Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' at

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