Lyndon Johnson - The Day After Dallas

J. Edgar Hoover and LBJ used to enjoy watching Hoover's agent filmed blackmail evidence for all Washington movers and shakers and we are now a lot more aware of the nature of the unelected Tyrant who rulled for five decades. But what involvement did LBJ and Prescott Bush have with the Assassination squad headed by G. H. W. Bush. Why was Nixon in a Dallas hotel that day? Was JFK going to do more than end the Cold War and the CIA? Did he intend to de-classify the documents that are now available which cause the survivors of Auschwitz to sue GHW Bush?


How could the Kennedy's and their extended family including Sargent Shriver and McGeorge Bundy (another Merovingian family of primary importance like the Russell, Onassis, Reynolds, Li, Collins, Rothschild, Dupont, Astor, Rockefeller names.) allow the assassination of their young prodigy. Did they know his sexual and out of control drug appetites? Was their image more important or was the idea of an end to the Cold War too threatening to their present investments? The end of this entry will include as many questions as we ask and a whole bunch more if you really think about these things. Now that we know the nature of J. Edgar Hoover and people like Clay Shaw as well as the obvious cover up of his involvement with the CIA that Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles were part of (that would have made Jim Garrison a winner in his New Orleans lawsuit) a more complete cover up and ensuing deceit than most gambits of these times, we can take a better look at Lyndon Johnson.

His campaign manager for his first congressional election confessed they stuffed ballot boxes on his death bed. He enjoyed viewing the sex tapes that J. Edgar kept over the head of all Washington politicos and lobbyists. Lyndon was the man the Pentagon and armaments manufacturers could trust to expand the war in Vietnam. He did just THAT; despite running against the stated purposes of Barry Goldwater to declare war and use tactical weapons rather than Agent Orange (which served a horror similar to Gulf War Syndrome, upon the American soldiers) to clear the jungles - on the road to an efficient end to a debacle.

William Manchester wrote a book shortly after the event that does little to answer any questions raised so far - it was called The Death of the President. A lot of people might say a great deal more than a President was lost when the plot played out its dastardly scheme over the ensuing years. We can only hope that some day the naïve and innocent will actually demand an accounting from the government that has brought them Watergate and lots of other less than honest events to consider since then. We can only ask you to consider the acts of other governments and the P2 or Vatican groups that are part of this whole scenario. We can't expect any such thing; but we will provide a setting and you will choose whether you really want to know what might disturb your sleep as you think of all the things your kids are being given to deal with (that we are only willing to deny, collectively as a society).

"Schlesinger was a man of generous spirit. Yet even he did not know that McGeorge Bundy, the efficiency expert, the human computer, the robot of tempered steel--that Mac had cried in the night for John Kennedy.

{PLEASE! What trite and unproven trash, and when will any journalist mention the word Merovingian on national TV?}

An individual's attitude toward the shift in power was, in short, almost entirely a matter of temperament. Background was entirely irrelevant. Schlesinger, Galbraith, and Bundy had all been recruited from the Harvard faculty. Ken O'Donnell was not seen in the Vice Presidential suite all day, yet Larry O'Brien went over to discuss a Congressional maneuver which would boost the Russian wheat sale, and Sargent Shriver, President Kennedy's brother-in-law, was a realist by any standard. Anxious to see an orderly change of government, Shriver walked across West Executive and volunteered his services. When he attempted to bring the two groups together and ran into what he called a 'lot of flak', he was baffled. In retrospect the flak may seem puzzling now {Why?}. In the context of that Saturday, however, events were very different. The loyalists, swept up in the mightiest current of emotion in their lives, were determined to show proper respect toward the murdered President. The realists played a valuable and difficult role--and history may award them the higher grade, for their service to the national interest was great.

The country, hypnotized by the catafalque, was unaware of any conflict within the government. {Ask yourself how aware this reporter was.} It was virtually impossible to think beyond yesterday's death and the coming funeral. Hugh Sidey argued (in vain) that Time should hold its cover portrait of the new Chief Executive for another week's issue because 'Nobody is interested in Johnson yet.' Not many were. Nevertheless, depicting his mood during his first full day in office is a matter of intrinsic interest. A precise delineation is elusive. The man's chameleon nature had never been more evident. {Or more important if you buy into his part in the takeover of state that was engineered by CIA, Pentagon, Armaments, Mafia and other related groups who were flabbergasted at JFK's willingness to act according to his own conscience. Remember also that this was the first Catholic in office of the President and that the media was greatly more willing to report what their owners were telling them to do as we showed in the first world war and creation of the Fed.} There had never been so many Lyndon Johnsons. It was almost as though a score of identical Texans were holed up backstage in Room 274, each with the same physiogamy and drawl, yet each with his own disposition, ideology, sense of timing, and objectives. George Reedy stepped in, and Lyndon the clairvoyant appeared. 'Everything was chaotic,' Reedy said afterward. 'Only the President knew what he was doing.' Galbraith was announced and greeted by the left-of-center champion. 'I want to come down very hard on civil rights,' Johnson told him, 'not because Kennedy was for it but because 'I' am for it. Keep in mind that I want a liberal policy because I'm a Roosevelt Democrat.' Averell Harriman {Of Brown Brothers, Harriman who funded Hitler and for whom Prescott Bush worked. This Bush later introduced Nixon to the political scene.} arrived with his Edwardian gait, and Lyndon said: 'You know I've always thought of you as one of my oldest and best friends in Washington.'

The President was exploiting his great gift for exposing this or that facet of his character so that each visitor would leave with a feeling of warmth and reassurance. Since the visitors entered one at a time, his success was almost universal. The out-and-out loyalists, while remaining distrustful of colleagues who had raced to 274, saw a Lyndon so humble, so shattered by his own anguish, that even Sorensen and Schlesinger were impressed; to David Ormsby-Gore this Lyndon said brokenly, 'If my family took a vote on whether or not I'd stay, there'd be three votes for quitting right away--and maybe four.' That Lyndon vanished, and another appeared, shrewdly advising O'Brien on a technical point of parliamentary procedure. There is no way to reconcile the various members of the flexible Presidential cast. The fact is that each played his part superbly and richly deserves applause. Only the naive would be offended by the variety; John Kennedy would have been engrossed by it. Despite the accuracy of Sidey's judgment, Johnson was a fascinating man that Saturday. One must merely recognize that the man was many men.

? he fenced sharply with the soft-spoken but immovable Nick Katzenbach over whether the assassination should be investigated-by a federal or state board of inquiry; he applied the Johnsonian prod to J. Edgar Hoover, who by now was dispatching fleets of agents to Love Field; {You might ask how Lee Harvey Oswald succeeded in getting past all the state and Federal authorities who should have allowed him to live. You might ask how he was allowed to get in plain view and available to Jack Ruby so that this known cancer victim who would never live to testify fairly, could shoot him. You might have a lot of questions that come from the numerous books and reports that are available.} he proclaimed Monday a day of official mourning;" (1)

Author of Diverse Druids

Columnist for The ES Press Magazine

Guest 'expert' at

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