Healthy Weight Loss

Weight Loss With Small Changes

 It can be intimidating to follow a weight loss plan, right? Sometimes there are so many rules, and so many major changes in your life required. Is there another way? Not just another diet or plan, but a whole different approach?

Try Small Changes To Lose Weight

If a diet or a complicated weight-loss system is just too overwhelming, try making a small change instead. For example, develop the habit of eating celery or another low-calorie food before any other snacks, so you don't eat as much of the junk.

Is this going to do much for you? No, not by itself. It is a small change you can handle now, though, and once it becomes a habit, you can make another small change. Motivation comes easier for easy steps, right? Then, when you take enough of them, you'll be getting somewhere.

Easy Steps Towards Weight Loss

1. Park farther away from the store, so you start walking a little. It's a whole lot easier to find parking this way, too.

2. Stay away from people who encourage you to eat too much. Maybe even eat with people who have small appetites.

3. Don't ever shop when you are hungry. You'll buy more - and more snacks. Get in the habit of eating right before grocery shopping.

4. Switch from sugary soft drinks to flavored water. The carbonated ones are delicious.

5. Start taking short walks each evening. Walk the dog, or find a friend to walk with.

There are dozens more small changes you can make. Create your own list, but start just one new habit now. When that becomes a normal part of your life, start another. It's difficult to say how many changes you'll need to start losing weight, but these are easy steps if you take them one at a time.

About the Author

Steve Gillman writes on many self-improvement topics. You can get more weight loss tips, and subscribe to a free weight loss newsletter at:

 Steve Gilllman

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