Healthy Weight Loss

Weight Loss:  Discover a Holistic Weight-loss Program that works

 How many weight-loss programs have you tried over the years?  How many of these weight-loss programs have taken a holistic approach?  Holistic Weight loss is the only way we can insure that we will lose weight and keep it off.  A holistic weight-loss program focuses on the “whole” person.  If a weight-loss program does not focus on restoring your health, fitness, power, and resolution, it is a temporary fix to what can become or is a lifelong problem.
Holistic weight-loss is essential.  Weight-loss programs that do not consider the “whole” person are destructive for several reasons:
Many people who are overweight, obese, or morbidly obese have underlining issues related to the health of the “whole” person. 
These underlining issues may include stress, low self-esteem, a poor self-concept, food addictions, emotional eating…all that must be addressed during the weight-loss process.
Many people who are overweight, obese, or morbidly obese develop a distorted body image even after they have lost weight.
Many people view a “diet” as a temporary and quick way to lose weight and do not understand the importance of nutrition.
People who join many “diet” programs with pre-packaged foods or special supplements to suppress the appetite are suffering from malnutrition.
Because such programs cause malnutrition, many people can not “keep up” the “diet” for the rest of their lives and eventually gain all the weight back and more.
When a person becomes overweight, they feel a loss of power, resolution, and control, it is important to restore these elements to rebuild a sense of “self” and empowerment.
  Usually, when a person is on a “diet” or weight-loss program, s/he is planning in their minds all the things they will “eat” after they lose the weight.  This is why a holistic weight-loss program is so important.  If one does not understand how nutrition works, s/he will never truly commit to a weight-loss program.  We have dealt with some “big fat lies” related to weight loss and now it is time to address the truth.  The truth is:
Truth: You can’t eat whatever you want not even in moderation and lose weight.
The reason you can’t is because you cannot rely on your “willpower” when you haven’t yet been empowered. 
Some foods are addictive and were designed to be addictive.
Most of what we eat when we gain weight is not nutritious.  You need vital nutrients to lose weight and look good while you are doing it.
  Truth:  Anyone can lose weight regardless of their genetic background.
Anyone can lose weight.  It does not matter how “slow” your metabolism may be.  By choosing a holistic weight-loss program you can restore your body’s metabolism. 
The body is designed to metabolize “whole” and natural foods.  It is all the additives and process foods our body cannot recognize.
Truth:  You have to exercise.
Exercise is a part of fitness.  Exercise works to reduce body fat and body size. 
Exercise restores our energy levels and helps us to produce lean muscle.  Lean muscle helps us the burn more calories and more fat.
Truth:  You must get educated about weight loss. 
If losing weight has been a battle for you, you need to learn as much as possible about holistic health, nutrition, and how the body works.  Knowledge is power.  Once we have the knowledge, we know exactly how to develop our own holistic weight loss program. 
By developing our own holistic weight-loss program, we know why we are doing what we are doing.  We have a plan that works for us.  We have a plan based on knowledge.  We have plan we can commit to for our entire lives.
  If you are ready to change your life, get health, get fit, and become empowered.  You are ready to lose weight.  To gain the knowledge you need to develop a holistic weight-loss program, please join The Lose Weight While Becoming a Wellness Education Coach Class ( .  You will learn the keys to weight-loss, longevity, fighting the visible signs of aging, and gaining strength and vitality.  You will get the knowledge you need to beat the weight-loss battle once and for all while helping others do the same.  Join Today.

About the Author

Carmellita M. Brown, renowned Author, Natural Health Specialist, and Success Philosopher developed pH Vitality with Blue Lotus Living® after 6 years of research in the field of wellness and weight loss. pH Vitality contends that in order to experience wellness, one must practice cellular health. “The cell is the smallest unit of life,” says Ms. Brown. “Every tissue, every organ is composed of cells. If your cells are unhealthy, you are unhealthy.”

 Carmellita M. Brown

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