Healthy Weight Loss

How To Maintain Your Weight Loss Motivation


One of the hardest aspects of getting yourself into shape, is maintaining the motivation you need to achieve your weight loss goals. Just about anyone will lose some of their enthusiasm, a month or so into a weight loss program. I have learned a few things that keep me motivated and dedicated to achieving my goals. They have helped me tremendously and I think they will help you as well.

Here a just a few of the many things I do to motivate myself.

Weigh yourself once a week:

I weigh myself at least a few times a week. In the beginning of your program once is plenty because you don’t want to discourage yourself. The reason I weigh myself once a week is because it can be easy to look in the mirror and justify, in your head, that you aren’t gaining any weight. If you look at a scale every week, you know for sure whether you need to make changes or not.

Keep a picture of the heavier version of yourself in plain sight:

I have a picture of me at my son’s baptism next to my bed. I was 20-25 pounds heavier in that picture than I currently am. This gives me a chance everyday to see what I don’t want to slip back into. It reminds me why I lost weight and keeps me from sliding back into old habits. Also, it will just remind you of how far you have come and how much better you look now.

Visualize everyday:

You should visualize everyday, how you want yourself to look. If you have achieved your goals then just imagine yourself doing some new things, in your new body. This really does help. I try to visualize myself everyday doing something that I plan on doing in the future. This can help with goals in any aspect of your life. I used to do this while running, when I first started my program. I would picture myself mentally, running and looking the way I wanted to look.

Set your sights farther and higher:

If you have already reached your ideal weight, then you should set some new goals or standards. If you don’t, you will probably fall back into old habits. It is harder to maintain something, then to achieve something new. So if you have reached your ideal weight, then why not set a goal to add some muscle. Or maybe, set a goal to get absolutely ripped. In perfect shape, like you never imagined you could. Look high and far, set your goal and then reach it. Nothing will keep you more motivated then setting and achieving new goals.

Those are just a few of the ways that I use to keep myself motivated. There are thousands more. To find other motivating ideas just do some searching on the internet. You can find thousands of articles and websites dedicated to weight loss and health.

Being healthy and losing weight can change every area of your life. It is amazing, the possibilities we begin to see, after reaching an achievement such as weight loss. Don’t lose the momentum. Keep it turned up and start using it to help you with other areas of your life. But most of all, never give up. There will always be obstacles in any thing you do in life. Just don’t use them as excuses to hold you back from achieving the ultimate freedom you deserve.

This article was written by Jason Barger. Jason has been helping people lose weight with his breakthrough book, Primal Weight Loss. To learn more about his philosophy and programs you can visit

 Jason Barger

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