Healthy Weight Loss

CLA - Weight Loss Wonder

 ~CLA - Weight Loss Wonder

Trade name "Tonalin" - CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is a naturally occurring fatty acid that is found in primarily meat and dairy products, and is also derived from safflower oil. CLA has gained a lot of attention in the past few years, due to its safe and effective use as a weight-loss product. CLA not only helps with weight loss, but converts excess fat into lean muscle mass.

There have been numerous studies showing that CLA is being used for other health benefits besides weight loss, but the main reason of its popularity seems to be focused on the reduction of body fat. CLA increase lean muscle mass which helps slim the body; because the more muscle mass, the more the body uses up calories, thereby speeding up the fat-burning process. Some of the studies have shown that people taking this supplement lost a significant amount of weight without changing their diet. CLA interferes with a substance in the body called "lipoprotein lipase" which stores fat in the body. By interfering with this substance, the body uses stored fat and turns it into energy.

Not only does this remarkable supplement help burn fat, but it seems to interfere with the growth of tumors and cancer. It has a great cancer-fighting potential. It has also been shown to be effective against breast cancer. Some of the other health benefits of using CLA, are for an enhanced immune system, as well as for anti-inflammatory and antioxidant protection. Another interesting point is that CLA seems to have the ability to prevent the build-up of cholesterol deposits in the arteries.

Diabetics may also benefit from CLA, because of its ability to normalize impaired glucose tolerance in people who are non-insulin dependant; thus playing an important part for the treatment of Type 1 Diabetes. Studies are still being conducted at many universities to explore other aspects of using CLA.

Suggested use of this supplement should be 1 capsule with each meal. Although this supplement has no known side effects, caution should be used if you suffer from gallbladder problems, liver disease, or if you have a problem with fat digestion. Make sure you are getting pure CLA (Tonalin). CLA can be found in health food stores.

About the Author

Patricia is a Nutrition Consultant in the Los Angeles area, and has written articles on herbs, nutrition and alternative healing methods for over ten years. Many of her articles are featured in several publications.

 Patricia Valle

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