Healthy Weight Loss

Be a Loser: 50 Reasons to Get Weight Loss Surgery

 Weight loss surgery is fast becoming a very popular way for obese and morbidly obese people to get and keep the weight off. America is the fattest it's ever been and they're even saying there is an "obesity epidemic". The term is even being used in the UK now. I even had gastric by pass surgery 2 years ago and it has changed my life only for the better. You can see my before and after photos at
There are many reasons for people to consider getting weight loss surgery. For those of you who are still unsure, here are fifty ways your life will change for the better after surgery. If you're still unsure, feel free to contact me for a free consultation.

1. You lose weight FAST!
2. You get to buy a whole new wardrobe....several times if you wish.
3. You will be able to see and touch your own feet.
4. You'll feel lighter.
5. It will be easier for you to exercise
6. You can go up a flight or two of stairs without completely running out of breath.
7. Your self-esteem will sky rocket.
8. People will hold doors open for you, look at you and actually say hi and smile.
9. You will get hit on!
10. You will be able to achieve all those positions you've always wanted to try during sex.
11. You'll clothes will start falling off of you.
12. You can buy jewelry in a "normal" store.
13. Your joint pain will lessen or disappear.
14. There is a possibility your diabetes will go away.
15. You'll just feel GOOD.
16. You'll get complimented a lot.
17. Your snoring will lessen or disappear.
18. You can comfortably wear jeans.
19. No more high blood pressure.
20. No more asking for a seatbelt extender on the airplane.
21. Your butt won't hurt as much after riding a bike.
22. You will feel very proud of yourself.
23. You'll see inches of fat melt right off of you.
24. Your energy will increase.
25. You'll be able to cross your legs.
26. You will finally weigh LESS then what it says on your driver's license.
27. You can finally buy that cute little sports car and now worry if you'll fit behind the steering wheel.
28. You'll actually be able to use those tiny bathrooms on airplanes and trains.
29. You can sell all your fat clothes on ebay and make some extra money.
30. You can do more housework! (Ok, this may not be a "pro" for everyone)
31. You'll literally lose weight overnight.
32. You'll live longer.
33. You'll be healthier.
35. You won't run away or throw your hands up every time someone wants to take your picture.
36. You'll start using the regular carts at the grocery store instead of the electric handicap ones.
37. You can get a short haircut without looking like a pinhead.
38. You won't feel hungry all the time.
39. You'll feel pretty/handsome again.
40. Your shoe size will drop.
41. You'll be able to ride all the roller coasters and never have to do the "walk of shame" when you discovered you couldn't fit into the seats anymore.
42. No more heartburn.
43. You can go to the gym and finally be one of those skinny perky people you use to envy.
44. No more starving yourself on crazy diets.
45. No more worrying if the chair you're sitting on will break.
46. You can go to the playground and swing on the swing set.
47. Your kids will be able to put their arms all the way around you when they hug you.
48. You'll save money by not eating as much and not going out to eat as often.
49. Learning how much certain people really care about you.
50. And lastly you will most likely meet a ton of wonderful weight loss surgery people who will become your good friends for life.

About the Author

Ally Moll is a life and creativity coach in South Central Wisconsin. She helps clients all over the country to choose or not choose to lose weight through weight loss surgery. She also assists people in getting in touch with their creatvity and creating careers they will really love. You can contact her through her website for a free consultation at

 Ally Moll

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