Healthy Weight Loss

5 Steps to Start Your Weight Loss Program

 Remember there’s more to you than meets the eye. You’ve got personality, brains, feelings… in short, all those things that make you, YOU. So why diet? After all, you’re more than just a body, and things that really matter can’t be measured on a scale.
That said, there are some very good sound reasons for dieting. After all, dieting is not just for weight loss or weight gain. No, the true meaning of ‘diet’ is in choosing foods and setting eating habits that will keep you healthy, strong, and feeling your best. It takes planning and dedication. It means setting goals and following through. But it doesn’t have to be a chore. No, with the right tools it can even be fun … especially when you start to see the results that you’re looking for!
Before, choosing a diet, there are five extremely simple Steps, which if you really apply you will probably end up losing weight without even trying! Doesn’t that sound interesting. Really No kidding … try the following:
Step 1) Always sit down when you eat, preferable at a table. Don’t eat while standing, walking, driving or talking on the phone.
Step 2) Don’t read or watch television while you eat.
Step 3) Eat only when your stomach is empty. At least 3 to 4 hours from your last meal.
Step 4) Don’t take a bite until you’ve already swallowed the previous bite. Obvious? Try observing people and you’ll see them stuffing their mouths, which are still full. They probably talk at the same time! So, bite, chew, swallow, bite, chew, swallow.
Step 5) Don’t eat when you’re not hungry. No, I’m being serious and I know that this sounds stupid. For example when at home wait 5 minutes before taking second helpings. If you wait, you’ll probably find that you’re no longer hungry, whereas if you don’t wait you could probably eat thirds! Remember … Wait five minutes before taking more.
A good diet doesn’t end when you finally reach your target goal. Maintaining good nutrition, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle is a continuing process. Only this will give you the energy to face the challenges of your busy day, boost your self-image, and make you look and feel better.
And there’s no feeling like the satisfaction when you achieve your goals by sticking to a sensible, healthy, diet plan.
Besides, where would we be without food? Changing your diet to prevent or reverse heart disease, reduce your blood pressure, or to get the better of your diabetes and, naturally to reach your desired weight, is not just a matter of cutting out butter and eggs and counting the amount of fat grams you eat each day. For instance, most Americans get close to 40% of their calories from fat! This is twice the recommended amount if you already suffer from heart disease.
There are many misconceptions and confusion concerning fat these days, some seem to make sense, others are just plain dumb! Remember, concerning fat, several things are now known for sure. It is known that most of us eat too much fat and that obesity is a major health concern, increasing the risk for heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, back pain and cancer. It is also known that saturated fat, more than anything else, is responsible for increasing our cholesterol levels.
I know it’s weird, but it’s been found, ironically, that when people focus exclusively on eliminating cholesterol from their daily diet they may unknowingly move on to a diet high in saturated fats! Some people decide to become vegetarian, leaving out meat and eggs, but the salad dressings, nuts and peanut butter, for instance, do more damage than a lean steak! Message: be careful what you eat, you may be surprised.
For more heart health related information visit - a site that offers user-friendly articles, tips and advice for avoiding heart disease, getting the edge on risk factors and living your life to the full!

 Nicholas Webb

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